The past presidents of the Michigan State Firemen’s Association offer scholarships of $500 to a current member of MSFA or a spouse or child of a current member of MSFA. This scholarship is in the memory of Mr. Max Brandt, who served as the Michigan State Firemen’s Association Secretary-Treasurer for many years until his passing in 1983. Mr. Brandt provided the Association with guidance while he was in this position and after he passed away it was decided by the Past Presidents of MSFA to establish a scholarship in his honor.

You can find the application for this scholarship in this issue of Fireplug or on the MSFA website. The application for this scholarship is opened Feb 1st to May 1st of each year. Along with the completed application the applicant must also submit a resume that provides their personal history, all academic achievements, any honors received as well as activities in and out of school. The applicant shall also explain their future plans.

The applicants for this scholarship are selected from a committee of past presidents. The committee will carefully screen all applications, and make their decision based on the intent and need of the applicant. The winners of the Max Brandt Memorial Scholarship are announced at the MSFA Annual Conference in May.

The Max Brandt Memorial Scholarship is solely funded by the MSFA Past President’s annual golf outing. This fund raising golf outing is held each year at the Grayling Country Club Golf Course in Grayling on the Friday before the annual Michigan State Firemen’s Memorial Service. This golf outing will take place with a shotgun start at 11:00am. Please look for this golf outing in the upcoming issues of the Fireplug for more information and registration. We hope to see you all in Roscommon!!

2025 Max Brandt Memorial Scholarship Application